
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Buddy Call-The 20 Point Exam and Red Eyes with Dr. Paul Gaudio!
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Friday Jul 05, 2019
Welcome to our new miniseries, "Buddy Call", where we bring on a Buddy to discuss topics to prepare new residents or rotating medical students for ophthalmic call, and exam fundamentals. We kick things off with Dr. Paul Gaudio, Clinical Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at Yale, who will tell us his unique approach to not only look at the eye, but understand it, and how to approach the red eye. If I were just starting, this is an episode I'd listen to on repeat.
We think this will be helpful to review for trainees at all levels, but if you know early trainees who you think may benefit, it really helps us to spread the word.
You can follow us on Twitter/Instagram @Eyes4Ears.

Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Lenticular Glaucomas
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Wednesday Jun 26, 2019
Let's talk about lenticular glaucomas: Phacomorphic, Phacolytic, Lens Particle and Phacoantigenic!
Also we briefly announce in this episode our new "Buddy Call" series, where we'll talk about topics for the incoming residents to our field to help best prepare them for call! Keep your ears peeled for a bigger announcement soon!

Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Macular Holes with Dr Jay Sridhar!
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
Wednesday Jun 19, 2019
We are super excited to have guest star Dr Jay Sridhar, assistant professor at the Bascom Palmer Eye Institute and host of the podcast Straight from the Cutter's Mouth: A Retina Podcast! Dr Sridhar is a huge inspiration for us, and he was kind enough to teach us about Macular Holes and Vitreomacular Traction.
Start listening to his podcast! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/retina-podcast-straight-from/id1172287008?mt=2
Hear more about who Dr Sridhar is in Episode 100! https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-100-past-present-future-dr-jayanth-sridhar/id1172287008?i=1000408889856
Check him out on his website! http://www.retinapodcast.com/
And follow him on Twitter! @RetinaPodcast
Also, we are doing a survey to assess the impact of the podcast. If you'd like to support us, take this 4 minute survey: bit.ly/2VpPRND

Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Acute Anterior Uveitis Part 2
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
Wednesday Jun 12, 2019
We return this week to finish discussing acute anterior uveitis. If you haven't listened to part 1 (last week), we recommend starting there.
Also, we are doing a survey to assess the impact of the podcast. If you'd like to support us, take this 4 minute survey: bit.ly/2VpPRND

Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Acute Anterior Uveitis Part 1
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
Wednesday Jun 05, 2019
This week, we discuss anterior uveitis, especially HLA B27 related disease. Next week, we'll discuss the other causes of anterior uveitis, as well as treatment and management.
Also, we are doing a survey to assess the impact of the podcast. If you'd like to support us, take this 4 minute survey: bit.ly/2VpPRND

Wednesday May 29, 2019
Anti-VEGF AMD Trials
Wednesday May 29, 2019
Wednesday May 29, 2019
This week, we review the major flagship anti-VEGF agents, pegaptinib, ranibizumab, bevacizumab, aflibercept, as well as some of the flagship clinical trials, including VISION, MARINA, ANCHOR, CATT, and VIEW 1 and 2.
Also, we are doing a survey to assess the impact of the podcast. If you'd like to support us, take this 4 minute survey: bit.ly/2VpPRND

Thursday May 23, 2019
Atypical Optic Neuritis
Thursday May 23, 2019
Thursday May 23, 2019
This week, Amanda and Ben review Atypical Optic Neuritis.
Also, we are doing a survey to assess the impact of the podcast. If you'd like to support us, take this 4 minute survey: bit.ly/2VpPRND

Wednesday May 15, 2019
Optic Neuritis
Wednesday May 15, 2019
Wednesday May 15, 2019
This week Andrew couldn't make it, so we have Amanda back to talk about Optic Neuritis!
Also, we are doing a survey to assess the impact of the podcast. If you'd like to support us, take this 4 minute survey: bit.ly/2VpPRND
You also can enter to win a $100 Amazon gift card!

Wednesday May 08, 2019
Color Vision Deficiency
Wednesday May 08, 2019
Wednesday May 08, 2019
This week, we're back from ARVO to review color vision, color deficiencies, and the many ways to test color vision.
If you'd like to support the podcast, a rating/review are tremendously helpful. You can also check out our Anki flashcard decks at our website, Eyesforears.net. Follow us on Twitter @Eyes4Ears!

Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Ectopia Lentis
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
Wednesday Apr 24, 2019
This week we review ectopia lentis. If you'd like to leave feedback, or if you had episode topic suggestions, reach out to us on Twitter @Eyes4Ears. Also, check out our website eyesforears.net to use our flashcard decks to instantly review the material learned in this episode.